Ten Minutes On...
What to know what's going on? Ten Minutes On... offers context and a concise analysis of major events and news stories from Guy Burton, a politics and international relations scholar.
Guy draws on his knowledge and experience as a politics and international relations researcher, writer, educator and commentator while working in several universities around the world.
Ten Minutes On...
Ten Minutes On... Georgian Protests and the Authoritarian Turn
What's happening in Georgia? is it as simple as it's sometimes portrayed in the Western media, as a case of East versus West or Georgia caught between joining Europe or following the Russian path? To explore this, Guy Burton looks at some of the wider politics taking place in Georgia as well as the limited economic advances. He notes that although Georgia is classified as "partly free" by the Freedom House NGO, it has been undergoing a democractic retreat in recent years. Guy then situates this in the wider decline facing democracies and the broader causes that have been associated with this.